The Waters and Communities Special Award is now open for…
TidyTowns Waters and Communities Special Award 2021
The TidyTowns Waters and Communities Special Award is now open for applications with a closing date of Friday 23 July 2021.
The Waters and Communities Special Award runs in conjunction with the SuperValu TidyTowns competition. It was first introduced in 2017 and is now a regular feature in the TidyTowns calendar.

The competition did not happen in 2020 because of Covid-19. We are now inviting you to tell us how your community group showed an appreciation for your water environment and water heritage during the pandemic. We are especially interested in innovative water related initiatives around your local rivers, lakes, streams, canals, or coast. Examples of community initiatives include clean ups; provision or upgrading of public amenities; conservation of biodiversity and heritage; promotion of angling; local education and awareness raising projects; etc.
Applications received will be assessed by a panel of judges appointed by Inland Fisheries Ireland, Waterways Ireland, and the Local Authority Waters Programme. The judges will assess each application under the following headings:
- Awareness raising (15 Marks)
- Community involvement (20 Marks)
- Stakeholder engagement (15 Marks)
- Project benefits (40 Marks)
- Lessons learned and plans for the future (10 Marks)
The Waters and Communities Special Award is open to any community group to apply. It is sponsored by Inland Fisheries Ireland, Waterways Ireland, and the Local Authority Waters Programme. The award has a total prize fund of €7,000 divided across four regions in line with the main TidyTowns competition. The overall winner will receive €2,000 for their community group.
To read about previous winners of the Waters and Communities Special Awards see:
The Application form and details of other special awards are available on the TidyTowns website:
We wish you the best of luck and we look forward to reading your entry.