The Hydrology Summary Bulletin for August 2023 outlines the flows…
October 2023 Hydrology Bulletin
The Hydrology Summary Bulletin for October 2023 outlines the flows in rivers, rainfall, lake levels and turlough levels, groundwater levels and spring outflows of over 300 stations across Ireland.
October was very wet in the Midlands, South and East, especially during the second half of the
month, with record high October rainfall in places. Saturated ground due to well above average
rainfall over the previous three months, along with some intense rainfall events during October, led
to several significant flooding episodes.
The monthly average river flows for October remained high since last month, with 89% of river
flows above the long-term normal for October. 86% of lake and turlough monitoring stations
observed levels above the long-term normal range for this month.
October Monthly Hydrology Bulletin:–assessment/freshwater–marine/hydrology-bulletin/hydrology-bulletin/hydrology-summary-bulletin—october-2023.php
River Flows October 2023
The monthly average river flows for October remained high since last month, with 89% of river
flows above the long-term normal for October. 86% of lake and turlough monitoring stations
observed levels above the long-term normal range for this month.

Groundwater levels
Average monthly groundwater levels increased with 86% of monitoring wells recording levels above
the long-term average for October. Similarly, most monitored spring outflows were above the
normal range for this time of year.