Limestones are the dominant rock type in Ireland, comprising about…
IAH Conference 2020: Characterisation and management of groundwater in limestones
The International Association of Hydrogeologists (Irish Group) held its annual conference in October this year. The theme of this year’s conference was ‘Characterisation and management of groundwater in limestones’ and all talks are now on YouTube.
Limestones are the dominant rock type in Ireland, comprising about 50% of the island. The focus of the conference this year is not only on the pure limestones (which are usually associated with karstification), but also the impure limestones (such as the “Calp”).

Given its prominence in the Irish landscape, limestone interacts with all aspects of hydrogeology. The conference sessions aim to provide insights into these important interactions such as those involving water resources management, contamination, ecology and surface water, as well as practical characterisation and investigation techniques in limestone.
The first session is an overview of Irish limestone aquifers and their natural capital. The theme of the second session is regional groundwater management.