The Hydrology bulletin on rainfall, river flows, lake levels, groundwater…
Hydrology Summary Bulletin – June 2024
The EPA Hydrology Bulletin for June is now available to download. Rainfall was below average in most places. 56% of river flows and 50% of the lake and turlough monitoring stations were in the long-term normal range.
June 2024 was a relatively dry and cool month overall with rainfall below average in most places. The wettest period of the month occurred between Thursday 13th and Saturday 15th when Atlantic low pressure broke through, resulting in widespread frontal rain followed by heavy showers. The month finished relatively cool with frontal rain or showers at times.
The monthly average river flows for June decreased when compared to May. 56% of river flows and 50% of the lake and turlough monitoring stations were in the long-term normal range. Out of the 8 groundwater wells assessed, 4 were above the long-term average for June . Out of the six spring flows monitored, 1 was in the ‘above normal’ range, 3 were in the ‘normal’ range and 2 were classified as ‘below normal’.
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