The National Hydrology Bulletin for January 2021 is now available…
Hydrology Bulletin, January 2023
The Hydrology Summary Bulletin for January 2023 has information on the flows in rivers, rainfall, lake levels, groundwater levels and spring outflows of over 300 stations across Ireland. It compares January 2023 to long term historical averages for that month.
Rainfall was below the long-term average in most places and wettest in the southwest. River flows
generally increased since December, with average river flows for January above the long-term
average at over half (53%) of river monitoring stations across the country. Similarly, average lake
levels rose during January, with almost three-quarters (73%) of lakes above the long-term average
for this month.
Average monthly groundwater levels also increased during January. Over half (53%) of monitoring
wells were above the long-term monthly average. Most monitored spring outflows were normal for
this time of year.
Learn more:
The January 2023 hydrology bulletin can be downloaded here:

long-term values of monthly flow. Numbered sites are represented in the hydrographs in the Hydrometric Bulletin.
All data are provisional and may be subject to revision (Source: EPA, OPW).