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EPA launches monthly hydrometric bulletin for river flows and lake and groundwater levels
The EPA runs a national hydrometric monitoring programme which measures the flow in rivers, lake levels and groundwater levels at a network of over 350 stations across Ireland. The data is used for environmental assessment, research, and regulatory purposes.
One of the EPA’s goals is to make environmental information available to the public and our stakeholders in a timely and accessible manner.
This month we have commenced publication of a monthly National Hydrometric Bulletin.
The bulletin provides a factual summary of river flows, lake levels and groundwater levels for the previous month and also includes a comparison to historic monthly values.
The bulletin contains river flow and water level graphs for a sample of surface water and groundwater hydrometric stations across Ireland. The bulletin also contains maps which show how flows and levels at stations across the country compare to the average for the month.

The hydrometric data used in the publication is produced from the EPA/Local Authority and OPW hydrometric networks. The weather summary information contained in the bulletin is provided courtesy of Met Éireann.

Learn more:
The first issue of the Monthly Hydrology Bulletin and all future issues will be available to download at this link:
Further details of the hydrometric stations and data downloads can be obtained from and