In August 2017, Dorothy Stewart and Micheál Ó Cinnéide from…
Climate Lecture: The European Green Deal – Towards a climate-neutral EU by 2050
On February 6 2020 Dr Artur Runge-Metzger of the EU Commission gave a talk in The Mansion House Dublin on ‘The European Green Deal – Towards a climate-neutral EU by 2050’.
European Green Deal
The Commission communication on the European Green Deal was the first policy paper that Ursula von der Leyen’s Commission adopted in mid-December 2019, within her first two weeks of being in office. One of the main objectives of the European Green Deal is to make Europe the first climate neutral continent by 2050. No doubt, this will require a major transformation and modernisation of the European economy and society within the next three decades that leaves nobody behind.
The European Green Deal outlines the first set of around fifty major regulatory and supporting initiatives to be kicked off within the coming two years. They will cover a broad array of EU policies in the fields of climate, energy, industry, mobility, agriculture/forestry, environment, sustainable finance, investments, taxation as well as external relations including trade.
About the speaker

Dr Runge-Metzger is a Director at the DG Climate Action in the European Union, a position he has held since January 2016, covering the development of domestic and international climate strategies; overseeing the governance of EU climate action; regulating greenhouse gas emission from non-ETS sectors including buildings, road transport which includes decarbonising fuels, land use, land use change, forestry, waste, carbon capture, use and storage.
Additionally, he supports innovation and modernisation in the EU’s energy and industrial sectors, including the setting up of the Innovation and Modernisation Fund.
For twelve years prior he led on climate strategy and international climate negotiations including the adoption of the Paris Agreement in 2015. Until mid-2003, Dr Runge-Metzer held various Commission assignments in Sarajevo, Brussels and Harare. He holds a doctoral degree in agricultural economics from the University of Gottingen.
About the EPA Climate Lecture Series
The Environmental Protection Agency, Ireland (EPA) hosted this lecture as part of the National Dialogue on Climate Action.
The EPA’s Climate Change lecture series has been running since late 2007, bringing a range of Irish and international speakers to the Round Room in The Mansion House, Dublin to update Irish audiences on the science of climate change, and possible responses to it.
You can watch all 27 climate lectures below: