Our Catchments Newsletter brings together science and stories from community groups, local authorities, public bodies, researchers, the EPA and the Local Authority Waters Programme, and others about the different ways we all work together to care for Ireland’s rivers, lakes, streams and coastal waters so they can be protected, and restored where necessary.
Your water, your catchment – 2017 video highlighting how we all are connected to and depend on water and catchments
‘Your Water, Your Catchment’ is a short film about Ireland’s water catchments. Voiced by Eco Eye presenter and ecologist, Anja Murray, the film examines the importance of water catchments, the pressures facing them and how communities in Ireland are helping protect our waters.
Have you a story to tell?
We want to tell stories than help people understand the connections between them, their local community’s environment, and enhancing human health. We also want to promote public participation.
If you have a story for a future issue, please get in touch using our Contact page or get in touch with your local Community Water Officer.
We want these stories to inspire more people to take part in looking after their local community’s environment, and particularly our waterbodies.
Winners of LAWPRO’s ‘My Favourite Waterbody’ photography competition; Lough Masks’ Arctic Char mosaic; East Corrib Alliance restore their river; Restoring Drummin Bog in Carlow; Cabragh Wetlands Trust restoring semi-natural floodplains; Slaney workshop on a catchment community forum; Middleton GAA club use the Green Club Water Action Fund; LAWPRO’s Community Water Development Fund and Catchment Support Fund.
The Water Action Plan 2024; Water Quality in 2023 – an indicators report; watch the 2024 EPA Water Conference Online; EPA update on the Significant Pressures impacting water quality; updated Catchment Assessments and master spreadsheet available; ESRI research on farmers knowledge, attitudes and intentions towards water quality; New map EPA available on Targeting Agricultural Measures; the Farming for Water EIP, including a willow bed case study; Waters of Life – trialling water quality solutions; national implementation strategy for nature-based solutions; Water Forum educational modules for schools; FarmPEAT – working with farmers on midlands raised bogs; An Taisce launch The Irish Pond Manual; and finally, a discussion piece on drained peaty soils.
Tuam TidyTowns tell the story of the River Nanny; The Story of the Mountain Water – Part 2; Cloughaneely Angling Association’s critical source identification project; Aille Engaged: a citizen science project monitoring rainfall and a river at work; Source to Sea – educational videos and resources for primary schools created by Scoil na Mara in Cork; Kilteevan TidyTowns helps their community enjoy Moments by the Water; River Derry Bubbles Project 2020-2021.
Public consultation opened on Ireland’s draft River Basin Management Plan for 2022-2027; Water Quality in 2020: An Indicators Report; EPA publishes an assessment of which catchments need reductions in nitrogen concentrations; EPA submission on the fourth review of Ireland’s Nitrate action Programme: EPA publishes 46 updated draft Catchment Assessments on catchments.ie to support public consultation on the draft River Basin Management Plan; Public consultation and local engagement on the draft River Basin Management Plan for Ireland 2022 – 2027; Ireland’s Quality Rating (Q-Value) River Monitoring System 1971-2021 – how 50 years of looking at what lives in our rivers can tell us about the health of our freshwater ecosystems; Local Authority Waters Programme launches their new website www.lawaters.ie; Ireland’s River Basin Management Plan: regional governance structures – what do they do?; Smart Farming Seminar: Sources and Solutions – the link between our soils & water quality; Nature-based Catchment Management – working with nature to benefit biodiversity, water and the climate; The Water Forum – working together for water quality; The Water Forum – fact sheet on the River Basin Management Plan.
Waters and Communities News: Stories from the Waterside; local community protect Lough Gill, County Kerry from invasive species; The Caha Project; NoreVision – become a river guardian; Inishowen Rivers Trust launch their Riverview newsletter; Camac Connections: the River Camac in Clondalkin published by Friends of the River Camac; Communities Caring for Water conference; Community Water Development Fund 2021.
Articles: EPA publishes Water Quality in 2019 – an indicators report; World Wetlands Day 2021; 2,200 acres of uplands gifted to An Tasice at Sleabh Beagh; Nature-based Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems; EPA publishes Ireland’s Environment – an integrated assessment 2020; EPA Research 36$: Learning from Group Water Schemes; DCU Water Institute Backdrop project – citizen science along the Liffey; Geological Survey of Ireland: regional assessment of groundwater resources
Waters and Communities News: Citizen science on our rocky shorelines; Nature on our Doorsteps; Stoneybatter’s water mural and pollinator plan; online community meetings; The LAWPRO Community Water Fund.
Articles: EPA Water Conference 2020; new Water Map and Chemistry downloads on catchments.ie; An Forum Usice on public involvement in decision making; measuring water flows and levels; stonefly threatened with extinction; Blue Dot Catchments; NFGWS Biodiversity Framework; Environmental Sensitivity Mapping; Natural Capital Accounting; The Living Bog’s water; The Flood of Venice.
Lough Carra marl lake and its marl crusts; Leitrim meeting on bogland and climate; Dublin Community Clean-up; Rossmore Park balasm bashing; Galway Waterways Foundation.
Water Quality in Ireland 2013-2018; European Environment Agency’s ‘The European environment – state and outlook 2020’; An Fóram Uisce – The Water Forum; Natural Water Retention Measures; Crayfish plague; Catch Crops; Smart Farming Water Guidance; WaterMARKE; NFGWS pollinator friendly pumphouses; Source to Tap on MCPA in their catchments; IPCC volunteer-led peatland restoration; and research on blanket bogs and invasive species.
Water Heritage Day; LEADER funding for water and biodiversity; the growth of Rivers Trusts in Ireland; StreamScapes and thier thirty years of working with communities.
Citizen science – dragonfly and damselfly survey, Explore Your Shore, and anglers monitoring lakes; Coillte Nature; Farming for Nature; The Blue Dots Catchment Programme; The Freshwater Pearl Mussel and Mulkear European Innovation Projects; Our Land and Water – New Zealand’s National Science Challenge; Smart Farming’s Spring seminar; Agriculture – getting the right measure in the right place; research on nutrient use benchmarks and legacy phosphorus; and a map of all the EIP-Agri projects in Ireland thanks to the National Rural Network.
Water Heritage Day – events held all around Ireland
Launch of the ‘Sustainability Support and Advisory Programme’ to improve water quality
Tapestry of Light – Ireland’s bogs and wetlands as never seen before
Dublin Bay – Nature and History
The National Water Forum – working for the common good
Developing the next River Basin Management Plan: a collaborative approach involving communities
What is catchment Science?
Local communities developing a vision for their water catchments – The Nore, Thomastown, Dundalk Bay, The Dodder, and Galway Bay
Smart Farming
Farmland guidelines to help pollinators
Tackling invasive species in Cork
Science: Shannon bird survey, modelling catchment management solutions for pesticides in the UK, and Irish nutrient modelling that indicates most losses to surface waters are from diffuse sources
Resources: New EPA Research reports on climate change, catchment services, sediment flux, Natural Organic Matter (NOM) and Ptaquiloside, and the benefits of good water quality for water-based leisure activities
News from Rivers Trusts and Workshops around Ireland
Launch of Beaches.ie
Engaging local communities on the draft River Basin Management Plan
New EPA report: Water Quality in Ireland 2010-2015
Outcomes of Catchment Characterisation
How climate change can bring us together
Tackling Invasive Species
Understanding and managing freshwater and their ecosystems
Forestry, bogs and wetlands – how they can contribute to a healthy environment
Spring 2017 Catchments Newsletter
The Waters and Communities Office – introducing their team and what they do
Details on the public consultation on the draft River Basin Management Plan
The new National Forum on Water
Launch of new app to track some invasive species of plants by Limerick City and County Council, and a story about how Offaly have managed their invasive species
Stories from Italy and Australia about managing floods and drinking water
Some winning entries from this year’s Young Scientists exhibition
The Uisce Aille education project on Integrated Catchment Management in The Burren
Stories from the Mulkear, Funshion and Moy about how local communities are working together to help manage their catchments
How one volunteer is helping look after wild Irish hedgehogs
Love Your River Telford – an example of urban catchment management in the UK
Citizen Science – mapping river obstacles, identifying flies, how tea bags can help you do some science, community catchment science from Antrim, and the Lough Derg Native Fish Biodiversity Project.
Communities managing invasive species in Achill and Kilkenny,
High Nature Value Farmland and ‘Sustainable Intensification’
The impact of nutrient reduction measures on Irish estuaries
Biodiversity – the variety of life, saving native apple trees and bees, the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan, and detection of predators in the Avon Catchment (UK).
Ecosystem Hydrology
Climate Change Impacts
National Federation of Group Water Schemes – Septic Tanks Systems Desludging pilot
The ‘Catchment Services’ concept
Resources: Citizen Science for birds, biodiversity and coasts; reporting pollution with an app, urban gardens, Natura 2000
There are several articles highlighting the work that has been done on the Suir catchment, looking at how healthy the catchment is and the chemistry, biology, flow, and more.
Technical Note: Electrical Conductivity – a useful tool for investigating catchment hydrology
Teagasc on Protecting Open Drains
An update on the Waters and Communities Office
LEADER and funding opportunities
Freshwater Aquaculture – the MOREFISH project
Resources Section: GSI Groundwater Newsletter, Rural Water News, HAB Bulletin, White tailed eagles and anglers, Waterways Ireland Holiday guides, NESC on Burren LIFE, Irish Forum on Natural Capital, How local communities can help pollinators, and more…
Locally-led agricultural schemes – 10 step guide to startinga scheme, Burren LIFE, The Blackstairs Hill Farming Group.
Duhallow LIFE – community led conservation
Cattle – Kerry research on conservation grazing, and a study on their impact on freshwater ecosystems
Winter land use restrictions
Drinking Water Safety Plans
Ireland’s Catchment Flood Risk and Assessment Programme
Sustainable community engagement in Wetlands
Water Framework Directive Typologies for lakes
Agricultural Catchments Programme – Phase 3
Farming and Biodiversity Photo Competition with Streamscapes and IASTA
The Water Policy Advisory Committee
The Water Framework Directive Application – managing and sharing water data
Resources Section: Natural Flood Measures, The Wheel on Commissioning for Communities and EU funding for non-profits, making Room for The River, Dredging: a reality check, Natural Capital challenges in the Dairy Sector, and more…
The new Local Authority Waters and Communities Office,
Catchment Case Study: The Loobagh in Limerick
A beginners guide to integrated catchment management
An explanation of hydromorphology
Dublin Bay Biosphere
Crayfish plague in Lough Gowna
Field Trip: Eden Test Catchment, UK
Who is involved?
Quite simply, everyone in Ireland has a role to play. This can be from something as simple as making sure you don’t pollute your local stream, or a local community working together to establish a Rivers Trust to enhance the rivers and lakes in their area, to a Government Department or Agency helping a Minister implement a new policy to help protect and enhance all our water bodies.
This website has been developed and is maintained by the Environmental Protection Agency, and is a collaboration between the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Local Authority Waters Programme.
Local Authority Waters Programme
The Local Authority Waters Programme coordinates the efforts of local authorities and other public bodies in the implementation of the River Basin Management Plan, and supports local community and stakeholder involvement in managing our natural waters, for everyone’s benefit.
Environmental Protection Agency
The EPA is responsible for coordinating the monitoring, assessment and reporting on the status of our 4,842 water bodies, looking at trends and changes, determining which waterbodies are at risk and what could be causing this, and drafting environmental objectives for each.
Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage
The Department is responsible for making sure that the right policies, regulations and resources are in place to implement the Water Framework Directive, and developing a River Basin Management Plan and Programme of Measures to protect and restore our waters.